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WHITE PAPER: America's Energy Choices - 2014

Three years after ASP first released “America’s Energy Choices” in 2011, the U.S. remains stuck in a political stalemate over energy. Even so, the energy choices made years or even decades ago by politicians, businesses, and consumers have led to a revolution in how the U.S. produces energy. The reality of change in America’s energy system is far different from the stagnation of the political debate.Read more...

PERSPECTIVE: The Arctic - Five Critical Security Challenges

Over the next several years, the future of the Arctic will be determined. As one of five countries with a coast on the Arctic Ocean, actions by the United States will play a large part in the future of the Arctic. However, it is unclear whether the American government’s strategic planning, infrastructure, or policy engagement in the Arctic is sufficient to meet the challenges of an opening Arctic. This report details five key examples of how the U.S. is failing to meet the challenge:Read more...

FACT SHEET - U.S.-EU Trade & the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

The United States and European Union recently began negotiations on what would be, if completed, the largest trade agreement in world history. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) intends to eliminate barriers to transatlantic trade, including tariffs, duties, and burdensome regulations. This fact sheet provides a detailed history of U.S.-EU trade relations, and explains the goals, economic benefits, and security imperatives of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.Read more...

PERSPECTIVE - The Defense Industrial Base

The defense industrial base is tied to American competitiveness in the 21st Century. For that reason, leaders in the private and public sector must take steps to thrive during a drawn out period of changing expectations while also remaining committed to keeping the country strong through innovation, long-term investment and disciplined management.Read more...

WHITE PAPER: Advanced Biofuels and National Security

ASP’s White Paper report, “Advanced Biofuels and National Security” builds on ASP’s long history of demonstrating the importance of reducing oil use for national security and highlighting the work of the Department of Defense in promoting alternative fuels. This report demonstrates that developing advanced biofuels are important in reducing America’s dependence on oil; this dependence presents real national security threats to the United States and the American military. Read more...

PERSPECTIVE: Narcotrafficking in the Americas - An issue of national security

As reflected in recent statements by federal leaders including the President, narcotrafficking presents a serious threat to American national security. The instability caused through the Western Hemisphere by nacrotrafficking is of a transnational nature that permeates societies across political, economic, and cultural mediums. This paper goes into details on the issues surrounding Narcotrafficking and National Security.Read more...


It's easy to become distracted by the sensationalism associated with the fiscal cliff, Benghazi, cabinet nominations, and gun control. While ASP agrees that all of these are important issues, it is still wise to refocus our energy on long term solutions to perennial problems that effect our national security. Read the latest issues of ASQ, discussing these issues here.Read more...


Climate change is real: we see its impacts every day, around the world. A melting Arctic, unprecedented droughts across the world, extreme examples of flooding, and uncontrollable wildfires are all examples of the changing climate. These present a greater challenge than just new and different weather patterns: it will challenge the world’s security architecture to prepare for and adapt to new security challenges, like disaster response, food security, and water availability.Read more...


Climate change will exacerbate regional and local tensions in ‘hot-zones’ around the world. In these regions, the impacts of a changing climate will act as an accelerant of instability by multiplying problems like water scarcity, food shortages, and overpopulation. As a global superpower with military forces deployed around the world, the interests of the U.S. and its allies will be impacted by a changing climate, especially in certain ‘hot-zones’ detailed within this chapter.Read more...