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Terror at Home: The Motives and Mechanisms of Domestic Terrorism

As political polarization in the U.S. worsens, domestic terrorism normalizes violence as a tool to address political or social grievances. Countering extremism at home requires a holistic approach to counterterrorism policy that addresses current policy shortcomings.

To Win in Ukraine and Elsewhere, More Innovation is Needed

The U.S. must be ready to innovate to fight and win a conflict in which it is unable to bring to bear all the advantages it would normally enjoy.

Perspective – Women in the Military

Women in the U.S. military comprise approximately 17 percent of personnel and are a vital part of modern force structure, providing numerous benefits to the Armed Forces. Despite their importance, women face many structural and cultural challenges in their military experience.

Key Reads

Strengthening Deterrence in the South China Sea

The United States needs to begin outwardly signaling and calling for more defense responsibility from its partners and allies in the Indo-Pacific. ...

LNG Tanker Clean Ocean sailing out of an American port. Image credit Maciej Margas.

Briefing Note – U.S. LNG and Global Energy Security

Fracking, coal divestment, and the war in Ukraine have significantly increased the supply of and demand for U.S. LNG since 2016. While U.S. liquifi...

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

The U.S. is Losing the Great Power Competition in Africa

Renewing African trust and engagement will be a difficult diplomatic challenge requiring both creative traditional and public diplomacy, but it is ...

ASP In the News: LTG Daniel Christman Discusses Ammunition Production in Real Clear Defense

In Real Clear Defense, LTG Daniel Christman explores the multiple points of vulnerability of U.S. small arms ammunition production.

Mapping Florida’s Resilience Through a National Security Lens

Florida is home to USSOUTHCOM, USCENTCOM, and USSOCOM, as well as many key national security facilities. As such, any disruption in operations can ...

Posing in Front of Missiles

Iran’s Attacks in the Middle East: Ideological or Practical?

Last Tuesday, the Iranian government launched a series of missile strikes against what it called “terrorist hideouts” in Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan....

Research and Programming

Climate Security

Through research and public engagements, ASP is fostering dialogue and building consensus on the national security impacts of climate change.

Nuclear Security

The spread of nuclear weapons and increasing numbers of nuclear forces worldwide represents the greatest danger to mankind.

Energy Security

ASP's energy security research covers the spectrum of energy sources, from nuclear, wind, and solar, to fusion and other innovative technologies.