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Andrew Holland Quoted in The News & Observer

Andrew Holland Quoted in The News & Observer

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ASP’s Senior Fellow for Energy and Climate Andrew Holland was quoted in an article from The News & Observer on the competition between coal and natural gas in the electric power sector. Low natural gas prices have put the squeeze on the coal industry, and utility executives are finding it increasingly difficult to justify burning coal over natural gas for electricity.  From the article:

“Coal is being done in by cheap natural gas. There’s no good reason for any utility company to build a new coal power plant right now, with natural gas prices being where they are and where they look like they’re going to be for a long time,” said Andrew Holland, a senior fellow for energy at the nonpartisan American Security Project, a research center. “Even if there were no regulations on coal, I think you’d still be seeing a move toward natural gas.”

To read the full article, click here.