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ASP Event reviewed on CSIS Blog

ASP Event reviewed on CSIS Blog

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Lt.Gen John Castellaw, USMC (Ret.) speaking at ASP Event in September

Matthew Fargo, writing on the blog at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), reviewed an ASP event held last month on the role of science in national security. Co hosted with the American Geophysical Union, ASP hosted an event entitled “Science Supporting National Security”, featuring Lt. General John Castellaw, USMC (Ret.); Dr. Wendy Robert Cieslak,  Principal Program Director for Nuclear Weapons Science & Technology at Sandia National Laboratories; Mike Dudzick, Vice President of Science and Technology at Lockheed Martin; and Brigadier General John Adams, USA (Ret.). From the blog post:

Lieutenant General John Castellaw was the first to speak, and he focused his remarks on the historical value of American innovation and the influence of the military as a driver of scientific research. Lt Gen Castellaw also brought up the numerous civilian applications of technologies initially developed by the military, including the internet, global positioning satellites, and even unmanned aerial vehicles. He concluded his statement by lamenting the declining numbers of technical and scientific degrees bestowed by American universities, reminding the audience that investing in science, even in times of great budgetary crisis, has helped establish American strength in other sectors.

To read the article, click here.

To read ASP’s review of the event and to find an audio file of the event, click here.