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EVENT: The Geopolitical Implications of U.S. Natural Gas Exports

EVENT: The Geopolitical Implications of U.S. Natural Gas Exports

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LNG tanker

The American Security Project (ASP) invites you to:

“The Geopolitical Implications of U.S. Natural Gas Exports” 


Tuesday, April 16, 2013 from 12:30pm until 1:30pm.

Location: 1100 New York Avenue, NW Suite 710W


The shale gas revolution has some saying that the U.S. is awash in more natural gas than we can use, with correspondingly low prices. This has led to calls for the federal government to permit more liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to take advantage of high prices overseas.

ASP’s recent report, “The Geopolitical Implications of U.S. Natural Gas Exports” by ASP Policy Analyst Nick Cunningham found that U.S. LNG exports can achieve geopolitical objectives by enhancing the energy security of America’s closest allies.

Join us for a discussion with experts and representatives from close american allies on this topic.

 About the speakers:

  • Peter Mollema, Deputy Chief of Mission for the Embassy of the Netherlands.
  • Toshi Okuya, Special Advisor to the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and Director of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), New York
  • Marik String, former Deputy Chief Counsel on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and coauthor of “Energy and Security From the Caspian to Europe”
  • Moderated by: Brigadier General Stephen Cheney, USMC (Ret.), ASP’s CEO


Lunch will be served at this discussion

If you would like to attend this event please RSVP: events@americansecurityproject.org



The American Security Project is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy and research organization dedicated to fostering knowledge and understanding of a range of national security issues, promoting debate about the appropriate use of American power, and cultivating strategic responses to 21st century challenges. For more information, visit www.americansecurityproject.org.


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