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ASP Fact Sheet Cited on FierceHomelandSecurity

ASP Fact Sheet Cited on FierceHomelandSecurity

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An article in FierceHomelandSecurity quoted and referenced ASP’s recently released fact sheet, “Protecting the Homeland – The Rising Cost of Inaction on Climate Change.” The fact sheet details the trends of climate disasters over the last few decades, demonstrating that the effects of climate change are exacting a steadily rising toll on the United States. From the article:

The effects of climate change are irreversible, and so increased resilience to natural disasters is imperative, a report from the nonpartisan American Security Project says.

The report (.pdf) gathers recent trends of natural disasters that amount to a bleak picture it attributes to climate change. Billion-dollar wildfires, for example, struck the United States three times in the 1990s, compared to seven times in the first decade of the 2000s (with costs adjusted for inflation). Those in the 1990s caused 29 deaths and $7.4 billion in damage; the seven in the 2000s caused 109 deaths and $14 billion in damage.

To read the full article, click here.

To read ASP’s fact sheet, click here.