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Beyond the Surge: American Security Project Hosts Panel Assessing President’s Afghanistan Strategy

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Skelton IIIThe American Security Project (ASP) hosts a conference and panel discussion entitled “Beyond the Surge: Assessing the President’s Strategy for Afghanistan.” Congressman Ike Skelton (D-MO), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, delivers the keynote address. Vice Admiral Lee Gunn, USN (Ret.), President of the American Security Project, and former Senator Gary Hart, Chairman of the American Security Project, provide remarks.

Speaking on the panel are Mr. Steven Clemons of the New America Foundation; Ms. Carolyn Wadhams of the Center for American Progress; Mr. Jonathan Landay of McClatchy News Service; ASP Senior Fellow Dr. Bernard Finel, an expert on Afghanistan and author of ASP’s annual report on terrorism, “Are We Winning;” and ASP Senior Fellow Dr. Evelyn Farkas, who recently returned from Afghanistan where she served as an election monitor and had the opportunity to meet with General McChrystal and many senior Afghan and NATO officials.

Senator Hart’s welcoming remarks



Mr. Landay on regional implications and Dr. Farkas on nuclear proliferation



Dr. Finel on counter-insurgency and Ms. Wadhams on humanitarian implications



Mr. Clemens on a broader national perspective



Chairman Skelton Provides Keynote Address



Question and Answer Session
