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Seip, Adams and Cheney in Stars and Stripes: Fill nonproliferation post to keep Americans safe

Seip, Adams and Cheney in Stars and Stripes: Fill nonproliferation post to keep Americans safe

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ASP’s CEO Brigadier General Stephen Cheney, USMC (Ret.) co-wrote an op-ed piece in Stars and Stripes with Lieutenant General Norman Seip and Brigadier General John Adams urging policy makers to fill high ranking diplomatic positions at the State Department which have remained empty or unconfirmed, particularly in the arms control and nonproliferation fields.

They noted the implications these vacancies have for U.S. security:

“These threats are neither imagined nor overstated. They are very real and we face them at this very moment. They include the spread of nuclear technology, materiel and know-how. North Korea is expanding its nuclear arsenal, and Iran’s nuclear aspirations are incredibly suspicious. The A.Q. Khan network based in Pakistan may have been dismantled, but the risk of proliferation still exists. And for more than 500 days, there has not been a Senate-confirmed undersecretary whose job it is to deal with these issues.”


To read the entire piece, click here.

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