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ASP Statement on the Iran Agreement

ASP Statement on the Iran Agreement

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ASP would like to recognize US Secretary of State, John Kerry, and the other foreign ministers for their hard work and diligence over the past couple of months in concluding this first step deal with Iran.

This first step agreement with Iran represents a halt to Iran’s nuclear program.  Without this deal Iran can continue to build up its nuclear stockpile.  Unprecedented and constant IAEA inspections means we will know if Iran breaks the deal.   Now its up to Iran to prove to the world that it is ready to join the community of nations who abide by their commitments.

ASP acknowledges that this first step is an important one and supports this first step and then a final agreement that will eliminate the Iranian nuclear threat.

Former Senator Gary Hart, Chairman of ASP said:

“To those who say ‘this glass is half empty’, it must be said that, in the realm of nuclear weapons, a half full glass is immeasurably better than one that is totally empty.”

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