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Fusion News: Nature- Laser Fusion Experiment Extracts Net Energy From Fuel: Nature New & Comment

Fusion News: Nature- Laser Fusion Experiment Extracts Net Energy From Fuel: Nature New & Comment

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The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have, for the first time, extracted more energy from controlled nuclear fusion than was absorbed by the fuel to trigger it.  This latest feat was published online, in Fuel gain exceeding unity in an inertially confined fusion implosion, in Nature and has gained a lot of media attention and expectations for the advancement of fusion.  Even though there is still a long way to go for fusion this is a critical step.  As reported by Nature in the article “Laser fusion experiment extracts net energy from fuel:” Philip Ball, Nature

The NIF team’s success, which is described in a paper published online today in Nature1, has come in experiments conducted between last September and this January. It relies on shaping the laser pulses to deliver more power early in the pulse. This creates a relatively high initial temperature in the hohlraum that ‘fluffs up’ the plastic shell and makes it less prone to an instability during the explosion that disrupts the fusion process. “This fluffing up greatly slows down growth of the instability,” says team leader Omar Hurricane, a Livermore physicist.

A number of news sources picked up on Nature’s article and wrote stories about it. Click through below to read them

Scientists Make Major Step Towards Harnessing Nuclear Fusion, The Associated Press

 Is Nuclear Fusion Necessary for Power Generation? Rachel Donald, Utah People’s Post

Scientists Make Major Breakthrough in Nuclear FusionColmn Gorey, Silicon Republic

Fusion Experiment Important Milestone, Dominion Executive SaysPeter Bacque, Richomd Times- Dispatch

U.S. Scientists Reach ‘Turning Point’ in Quest for Fusion Energy Will Dunham, Reuters

National Ignition Facility Announces Record mount of Fusion Energy Francie Diep, Popular Science

Got First Nuclear Fusion Energy Cost, Tottenham News

Researchers Produce more Energy from Nuclear Fusion than Used in Fuel Pierrot Durand, French Tribune

Breakthrough Brings Nuclear Fusion Closer, The Associated Press

Scientist Achieve Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough, CBN News

Nuclear Fusion Just Got a Little Closer to Becoming a RealityMichael Lemonick, Time

Fusion Energy Milestone Reported by California Scientists Joel Achenback, Washington Post


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