ASP’s BGen Stephen Cheney in: “Hackers Issue New Threats Against Theaters Showing ‘The Interview’ Film”
Brigadier General Stephen A. Cheney, USMC (Ret.), CEO of the American Security Project, was recently interviewed in a news segment by Fox 5 News DC. The piece discusses the cyber-attack against Sony and the possible threats against our national security or everyday people.
In a statement made by the Guardians of Peace, the group responsible for the attack on Sony:
“Remember the 11th of September 2001. We recommend you to keep yourself distant from…[theaters showing The Interview] at all time.”
DHS investigators are looking into the credibility of attacks but indicates they have not uncovered an active plot against movie theaters in the U.S.
General Cheney commented that the Sony attacks should be treated seriously:
“A lot of people look at cyber and say it’s not equal to 9/11 – that it’s not going to affect me. This one will affect you…If they took this data from other companies it could well affect our bottom line here in this country and our security.”
To listen to the whole news segment, be sure to watch the piece on Fox 5 News DC.