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Admiral Gunn on Climate Security

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Admiral Gunn’s testimony surveyed the case for climate change as a national security concern. We’ll post his complete testimony as soon as the hearing is over.

During his testimony, Admiral Gunn announced the formation of an ASP initiative to educate the public about the linkages between climate change and national security. Stay tuned for more details on that front.

He was followed by Sharon Burke of CNAS who detailed her work on “natural security” and the choices we face in the national security community, and then Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn from CNA.

1 Comment

  1. This is a response to Admiral Gunn’s testimony to Congress.

    Admiral Gunn’s commits grievous error when he starts off with, “leaving aside the merits of the science.” Considering the huge expense of responding to the Climate Change bogeyman, it is precisely the science that should be examined.

    As Admiral Gunn seems not to be aware of the science, allow me, a physicist, to provide a clear synopsis.

    We taxpayers have spent $79 billion on GW research since 1989. We consumers were charged $126 Billion for the cap and con market in 2008.

    95% of Global Warming (GW) is due to water vapor
    5% is due to green house gasses (GHG)
    Only 0.28% is due to man-made GHG
    99.72% of GW is natural

    US man-made GHG is less than 20% of global GHG
    HR 2454 calls for reducing US man-made GHG by 17 % by 2020

    If the US complies with HR 2454, GW would be reduced by 17% of 20% of 0.28% or by 0.00952%

    0.00952% is less than one thousandth of one percent
    0.00952% is less than one part in ten thousand

    Discounting India and China, if the US reduced CO2 by 83% by 2050, global temps would decline by less than 0.003 ºC.

    In 1970 there were 15,000 surface stations. After removal of higher latitude stations, 5,000 remain. Due to urban growth and station alterations, 89% in the US no longer satisfy initial requirements. If adjusted for urban heat island effects, the warmest recent year was 1934, not 1998 and the 1930’s were warmer than the 1990’s. (The unadjusted measurements are used to scare people.)

    Satellite temps show no significant warming since 1995, no warming since 1998 and cooling for the last few years. Global temp has declined 0.73 F since 2006.

    The world is cooling.
    The oceans are cooling
    The seas are not rising
    The frequency and intensity of hurricanes and cyclones are declining
    Both polar ice caps are growing
    More than 90% of world’s glaciers are growing
    Snow seasons are getting longer.
    Coral reefs are recovering from bleaching.
    Polar bear populations are increasing.

    There have been worse droughts.
    Cities have been hotter.
    The Sahara desert used to extend 250 miles further south.
    Recently diseases were more widespread.

    Current cyclic behavior shows a higher probability of a Global Cooling than Global Warming.

    This was orinally submitted with supporting links. But the interface rejects comments with embedded links.

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