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Statement on Russian New START Treaty Ratification

Statement on Russian New START Treaty Ratification

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Inspection and Verification of the Russian Arsenal Restored

WASHINGTON D.C., 26 January 2011 – Today, the upper house of the Russian Parliament unanimously ratified the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START).  The treaty will enter into force when Russia and the United States exchange instruments of ratification.

Dr. Jim Ludes, the Executive Director of the American Security Project, stated:

The New START treaty is crucial for American national security.  With the ratification of the treaty by both Russia and the United States, U.S. inspectors once again have the right to inspect the Russian arsenal.  This will enhance stability and transparency in the U.S.-Russia relationship.”

Ludes went on to say:

The United States now has an opportunity to re-focus American attention on preventing future nuclear proliferation and maintaining an effective nuclear deterrent.”

Dr. Janne Nolan, Director of Nuclear Security Programs at the American Security Project, said:

Although the debate was contentious, in the end a consensus in favor of this pragmatic, incremental treaty emerged.  A wide range of current and former military officials and bipartisan foreign policy experts agreed that the New START treaty enhances American national security.”

Nolan continued:

The New START treaty provides a basis for cooperating with Russia to address all of the nuclear threats faced by the United States, including the Iranian nuclear program and the threat of nuclear terrorism.”


About the Consensus for American Security: The Consensus for American Security is a non-partisan group of influential military and national security leaders who have come together to highlight growing support for a new and sustainable nuclear weapons policy. The Consensus is an initiative of the American Security Project. For more information, visit www.securityconsensus.org.

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