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Deepening crisis feared after Taliban bomb kills Afghanistan general

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Source: The National, 5/30/2011

A quote by ASP Fellow Joshua Foust is highlighted.

By Erin Cunningham

“…In Takhar, insurgent attacks fell 74 per cent in the first quarter of 2011 compared to the same period in 2010, ANSO says. In Kunduz, which had previously deteriorated into one of the country’s most dangerous provinces, attacks fell 42 per cent.

Joshua Foust, of the Washington-based American Security Project, wrote: “Because the ANSF [Afghan national security forces] are so reliant on personalities to be effective, Daud’s murder is a serious blow to their effectiveness in the north.”

General Daud had been a decisive figure in Afghan politics for decades, joining the guerrilla resistance against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan when he was just a teenager. He later led US-backed fighters in the 2001 invasion that toppled the Taliban.”

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