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ASP’s Fusion Essay is Featured in CNN

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Source: CNN, 6/27/2011

By Thom Patterson

“…Could fusion change the way powerful governments behave on the world stage?

Cutting dependence on foreign oil could prompt nations to shift attention away from oil-rich regions. The U.S. military already spends at least $50 billion yearly on “expenditures related to oil,” according to the American Security Project, a bipartisan Washington think tank.

The fuel for fusion reactors is relatively cheap and accessible. Fusion reactors would run on fuel made up of two types of hydrogen: deuterium, which can be extracted from sea water, and tritium, which could be produced by the fusion reactors themselves…”

Read more on this article from Mike Dunne, Program Director of Laser Fusion Energy at the National Ignition Facility at California’s Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, at CNN.com…