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New Report Places a Spotlight on America’s Energy Choices

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American Security Project publishes a detailed report analyzing the current and potential sources of energy America can use to power the nation and also highlights why there must be an “energy mix”

WASHINGTON D.C., 2 August 2011 – Today the American Security Project released a new white paper titled “America’s Energy Choices,” a report that outlines the various energy options the U.S. has to power its economy and to meet 21st energy challenges. The report details 10 different energy options which are considered within the context of the following concerns: 1) energy security, 2) economic stability, and 3) environmental sustainability.

BGen Steve A. Cheney, CEO of the American Security Project (ASP), said:

“Demand for electricity in America continues to increase year after year, yet our power plants are aging. Our energy consumption habits are requiring us to do business with politically and socially unstable countries.  We need to reset our energy priorities, now.”


BGen Cheney added:

“Right here in America we have a wealth of energy options—sources of energy that do, and will continue to, fuel our economy and meet our energy demands. We have to invest in these energy sources and utilize them where they make the most sense. We hope that our elected officials deliberate on conclusions set forth within this report.”


According to the “America’s Energy Choices” report, the U.S. has three broad categories of energy to choose from which includes: fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewable power. The report also shows that, within each of the aforementioned categories, there are positive and negative aspects to their consumption and production. Read the full report here and below and participate in a supplemental energy poll here.

America’s Energy Choices

Andrew Holland, Senior Fellow for Energy and Climate at ASP and author of the report, stated:

“America needs more energy of all sorts, but especially electricity. By 2035, U.S. electricity demand will increase by 30%. The aim of this paper is to lay out the choices that America’s leaders need to make in order to meet this need. It does not to pick winners and losers. Instead, it presents a matrix of policy choices for the government, utilities, and the private sector to consider.”

Mr. Holland went on to say:

“The challenges America and its leaders face on how we use energy are significant. They include climate change, rising prices, increasing global demand, declining infrastructure, and pollution. We have to make choices on what energy mix we need in the future – America’s current energy mix is geopolitically, environmentally, and economically unsustainable.”


About the American Security Project: The American Security Project is a non-profit, bipartisan public policy and research organization dedicated to fostering knowledge and understanding of a range of national security issues, promoting debate about the appropriate use of American power, and cultivating strategic responses to 21st century challenges. For more information, visit www.americansecurityproject.org.