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Esquire – Gary Hart: How to Really Fix the Next Debt Crisis

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Source: Esquire, 8/2/2011

ASP’s Chairman, former Sen. Gary Hart, is a featured author.

By Gary Hart

“There are two characteristics of the adolescent mind: It repeats its mistakes, and it cannot resolve irreconcilable choices. The United States of America is now much too old to act in an adolescent fashion, so the only real value that the debt-ceiling crisis has to offer is in the lessons learned.

How did this happen? Five reasons stand out: We fought two long wars without raising revenues — the dreaded “t” word. Even worse, we cut taxes while dramatically increasing military spending. We deregulated financial markets, and banks and investors manipulated the nation’s economy into a catastrophe. These were conscious policy decisions. Then the baby boomers arrived on the social safety net’s doorstep. And health-care costs skyrocketed…”

Read the entire article here…