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PAST EVENT:  The Research and Development Gap

PAST EVENT: The Research and Development Gap

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For a detailed summary of what happened in the event, see our blog post on this event here.



The American Security Project (ASP) will be hosting a briefing on returning R&D investment to a national priority at 8:45 AM, Friday, January 20.

Norm Augustine, ASP Board Member and one of the country’s leading industrialists will brief attendees and the press on the need for a comprehensive policy to promote investment in R&D. He outlined the case for greater R&D in an Op-Ed published in The Hill, “The Research and Development Gap”.

Members of ASP’s board of are sending a letter to Congressional Leadership asking that R&D investment be prioritized as a new “national mission”.

America is in grave danger of losing its edge. For over one hundred years, American leadership in science, technology, engineering, and manufacturing has been unrivaled. It has created for us not only one of the highest standards of living any civilization has ever achieved, but also brought American preeminence in the world and a strong national defense.

Now, unfortunately, this is all at risk due to the lack of long-term planning, little political will, and slowing investment in science and engineering research.

The briefing will take place on Friday, January 20, 2012 at ASP’s office, 1100 New York Ave., Suite 710W. 




The American Security Project is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy and research organization dedicated to fostering knowledge and understanding of a range of national security issues, promoting debate about the appropriate use of American power, and cultivating strategic responses to 21st century challenges. For more information, visit www.americansecurityproject.org.