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America’s Energy Choices 2012:  Still Stuck in Partisan Politics

America’s Energy Choices 2012: Still Stuck in Partisan Politics

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America’s Energy Choices 2012:  Still Stuck in Partisan Politics

2012 Report on the Energy Choices facing American

Washington DC, 07 March 2012: Today, the American Security Project released the 2012 edition of its annual White Paper “America’s Energy Choices.” The paper details a range of options for America’s energy future, ranging from coal and natural gas to solar and tidal power.

The report sets out how each contributes to America’s energy make-up and how our business and political leaders should weigh the competing priorities of energy security, economic stability, and environmental sustainability when making decisions.

Andrew Holland, Senior Fellow for Energy and Climate and the author of the report said:

“Although it has only been seven months since the initial release of this report, there have been many new developments in America’s energy future. The domestic boom in fossil fuel production, particularly from shale gas and shale oil, is changing America’s views about energy security, while the development that American refiners have become major exporters of refined fuels has surprised many.

“Unfortunately, the politics of energy remain as frozen as they were then. Clean energy has become an even greater political football, while the return of rising oil prices has brought out the most short-term instincts in politicians.”

Stephen A Cheney, the CEO of the American Security Project said:

“The way we use energy is clearly a national security issue. In the next decade the United States needs to make critical energy choices. We know we cannot carry on as we have been — the price of gas is but one example. We need to be more innovative and develop new technologies.”   

The choices we make on energy need to be informed by reality, not partisan bickering. This is what the American Security Project is here to do: forge that consensus for us to successfully move forward.  We can solve these problems and in so doing increase our national security.”

Resources: You can find America’s Energy Choices 2012 Edition report here.



The American Security Project is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy and research organization dedicated to fostering knowledge and understanding of a range of national security issues, promoting debate about the appropriate use of American power, and cultivating strategic responses to 21st century challenges.