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The Consensus for American Security members welcomes the bi-partisan vote for the New Start Treaty

Washington, D.C., September 16 2010 – The Consensus for American Security today welcomes the non-partisan vote for the New START Treaty by the Senate Foreign Relation Committee as a forward step for improving American security.

Lt Gen John Castellaw, a 36 year Marine Corp veteran, as well as a former CENTCOM Chief of Staff said: “the Committee has shown bi-partisan leadership, putting our security ahead of narrow political interests. The New START Treaty is vital for our national security, it allows us to face the threats of today, while allowing us to invest in the nuclear security priorities necessary to confront the threats of today and tomorrow.”

Lt Gen Dirk Jameson, a former Deputy Commander in Chief and Chief of Staff of U.S. Strategic Command said: “without New START we have no strategic weapons agreement, we are left without the verification arrangements and on-site inspections about Russian nuclear forces that our intelligence community urgently needs – putting our security at risk. “

He went on to say:  “it is vital that the full Senate takes up the ratification process of the Treaty as soon as practicable”.