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HPC Wire – Petascale Supercomputer for Nuclear Fusion Research Inagurated In Japan

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HPC Wire – Petascale Supercomputer for Nuclear Fusion Research Inagurated In Japan

20 March 2012

The supercomputer, delivering over 1.5 Petaflops, will provide the computer modeling and simulation capabilities needed for the ‘Broader Approach’ program, linked to the ITER initiative.

ROKKASHO, Japan, March  19 — Bull, the CEA, F4E and the JAEA – in the presence of representatives from the EU and the French Embassy in Japan, as well as numerous Japanese politicians (including MPs, the Governor of Aomori province and the mayor of Rokkasho) – have today inaugurated the Helios supercomputer in Rokkasho (Japan): one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, delivering peak performance of over 1.5 Petaflops. This is the third Petascale supercomputer designed and developed by Bull to go into operational production in the past 18 months.

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