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Video: The Iranian Nuclear Problem: Status and Prospects

Video: The Iranian Nuclear Problem: Status and Prospects

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On March 26 2012, Dr Robert Gallucci discussed the Iranian nuclear problem, and the choices facing the United States, the world community and Iran itself.

ASP’s CEO, BGen Stephen A Cheney USMC (Ret.), chaired the event.

Five easy to watch clips of the event can be found below, and other information on Iran here. These clips of the American Security Project’s  discussion on the status and prospects of the Iranian nuclear program sets new, balanced and measured light on the options the United States has.

See ASP’s Fact Sheet on Iran Sanctions here; and basic Iran geo-political facts can be found here.

Further details of the event can be found here

Full audio of the event can be found here.


Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:


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