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Andrew Holland mentioned on Foreign Policy

Andrew Holland mentioned on Foreign Policy

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ASP Senior Energy & Climate Fellow Andrew Holland was mentioned in a blog post on Foreign Policy:

How do you know you are living in a petro-state? With all the talk of a historic U.S. oil boom, I wondered how Americans can truly know whether and when they are again residing in an official petro-state, like in the days of John D. Rockefeller. Given the invective-laced presidential election, I wondered whether we might see either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, shirtless, hunting a tiger while hurling curses at one another. Then I turned to a few regular O&G readers. Here is a smattering of their responses:

**”Americans see buying an electric vehicle as unpatriotic, vilify companies that make them as government stooges, and proudly fly the flag from the top of their new 16 mile-per-gallon SUVs.”

Andrew Holland, American Security Project

Andrew’s quote was taken from his recent contribution to Consumer Energy Report, A Word on the U.S. as a Petro-State, available here.

To read the full article from Foreign Policy, click here.