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Consensus Members Meet with National Security Advisor, Top WH Officials

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WASHINGTON, July 20, 2010 — Following yesterday’s launch, the Consensus for American Security began its push for ratification of the New START treaty this morning by meeting with top White House officials. Gen. James L. Jones, National Security Advisor to the President, met with Consensus members, including retired flag officers Vice Admiral Lee Gunn, Lt. Gen. Dirk Jameson, Brigadier General John Adams, Major General Paul Eaton and Lt. General Robert Gard.

“This meeting is the first critical step in raising our voices to support a national security strategy that will keep the country safe from 21st century threats. It’s time to commit to actions that will strengthen and modernize our nuclear security, and the first step is Senate passage of the New START treaty,” said Lt. Gen. Jameson after the meeting.

More information, including a complete list of members of the Consensus for American Security, is available at www.securityconsensus.org, on Facebook and Twitter.


About the Consensus for American Security: The Consensus for American Security is a non-partisan group of individuals committed to protecting the United States and its allies from nuclear catastrophe. The Consensus’s work is supported through by the Ploughshares Fund, a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to reducing the role of nuclear weapons and fundamentally changing nuclear weapons policy.