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Past Event –  A Conversation with Walter Pincus:   Nukes, Missiles, and the Truth

Past Event – A Conversation with Walter Pincus: Nukes, Missiles, and the Truth

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The American Security Project cordially invites you to a lunchtime discussion:


A Conversation with Walter Pincus: 

Nukes, Missiles, and the Truth


May 24, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.


Walter Pincus

National Security Reporter for the Washington Post 

Moderated by: Frank Lowenstein

Principal, Podesta Group

ASP Senior Adjunct Fellow and Foreign Policy Advisor

This discussion will be on the record

Political distortions of foreign policy and defense issues have been commonplace since the 1960 presidential election hung on the mythical “missile gap.”  Later, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Regan battled over the deployment of MX Missiles and recently George Bush highlighted the threat of terrorism as a central tenet of his campaign for re-election.

This current presidential election cycle is no different. Both parties are playing games with national security.  How do these distortions affect how voters’ view and understand defense issues when deciding on a presidential candidate?

Join the American Security Project for a discussion on the politics and distortions in defense and national security.

The event will take place at:

1100 New York Ave, NW Washington DC

Suite 710W – Conference Room E

Lunch refreshments will be served

The discussion will begin promptly at 12:30.  Please arrive by 12:00 for registration.

We hope you can join us.

Please RSVP by May 21 to events@americansecurityproject.org

About the speakers

Walter Pincus:

Walter Pincus reports on intelligence, defense and foreign policy for The Washington Post. He first came to the paper in 1966 and has covered numerous subjects, including nuclear weapons and arms control, politics and congressional investigations.

For six years he covered the Iran-contra affair. He covered the intelligence community and its problems arising out of the case of confessed spy Aldrich H. Ames, allegations of Chinese espionage at the nuclear weapons laboratories.

He was among Post reporters awarded the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting. Among many other honors were the 1977 George Polk Award for articles exposing the neutron warhead, a 1981 Emmy from writing a CBS documentary on strategic nuclear weapons, and most recently the 2010 Arthur Ross Award from the American Academy for Diplomacy for columns on foreign policy.

Frank Lowenstein:

Frank Lowenstein is the former staff director for the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and currently a Principal at the Podesta Group. At SFRC, Mr. Lowenstein worked closely with Chairman John Kerry (D-MA), and was responsible for the committee’s agenda, oversight activities, media strategy, and legal and legislative matters, including the ratification of the new START treaty and resolutions on Egypt and Libya.

He coordinated with administration officials on policy and legislative issues, oversaw the confirmation process for State Department officials and ambassadors, and managed relations with foreign embassies. He also travelled extensively with Chairman Kerry, with a particular focus on the Middle East and South Asia.

Before becoming staff director for the committee, Frank served as Sen. Kerry’s senior foreign policy advisor, working with the Senator on legislation regarding Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Burma. During Sen. Kerry’s presidential campaign in 2004, Frank served as director of national security policy.


  1. […] Past Event – A Conversation with Walter Pincus: Nukes, Missiles …May 7, 2012 … Past Event – A Conversation with Walter Pincus: Nukes, Missiles, and … Walter Pincus reports on intelligence, defense and foreign policy for … […]

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