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Fusion Scientists Win R&D Award

Fusion Scientists Win R&D Award

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A group of scientists doing research on fusion received an award from R&D Magazine for their work that helped lead to the development of a critical device for fusion energy. From the article:

The editors of R&D Magazine have bestowed an “R&D 100” Award upon researchers for seminal theoretical work and two experimental studies that led to the creation of the “snowflake power divertor.” Dmitri Ryutov, a theorist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), proposed the idea and led the theoretical effort.  Four physicists who confirmed the validity of the approach through experiments on PPPL’s experimental fusion machine, the National Spherical Torus Experiment, were also honored for their efforts, including: Vlad Soukhanovskii (LLNL), who designed and led the experiments; Jon Menard, the NSTX program director (PPPL); Egemen Kolemen (PPPL); and Joon-Wook Ahn (Oak Ridge National Laboratory.) Soukhanovskii and Ahn are on long-term assignments at PPPL.

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