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Adm. William Fallon on Coalition Involvement in Libya

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Source: The Takeaway, 3/22/2011

ASP Board Member Adm. William Fallon is featured.

U.S. and allied forces continue their bombardment of Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s assets on Tuesday. President Obama has reportedly said that US involvement in Libya will last for “days not weeks,” leaving some to wonder if the White House has a realistic view of its involvement in Libya. Ret. Admiral William Fallon is the former commander of US Central Command and U.S. Pacific Command. He has spent considerable time working in the Middle East. Fallon told The Takeaway: “There could be significant involvement for the long haul.”

“As some people have come to realize, you don’t just wave a hand and this stuff happens. It actually involves real people and real bullets. It’s not as clean as some might envision it.” Admiral William Fallon
