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Al Qaeda Founding Member Mustafa Abu al-Yazid Killed in Drone Attack

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A Financial Times story from this morning highlights that one of al Qaeda’s founding members, Mustafa Abu al-Yazid perished was killed in an drone strike in Pakistan recently. According to ASP’s report, Are We Winning? Measuring Progress in the Struggle Against al Qaeda and Associate Movements, in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border zone, CIA drones have killed at least 11 of an initial top 20 al-Qaeda targets sought by the US.

In addition, ASP’s recent “Are We Winning” report highlighted that military pressure seems to be having a disruptive effect on terrorist groups in Pakistan. This is largely due to the success our military has had in attacking “jihadist” leaders. Furthermore, despite Pakistan’s recent aggressive moves against some Islamist elements, al Qaeda’s safe havens in Pakistan ultimately remain more vulnerable to U.S. drones and other air assets.