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American Security Project cited Cal Thomas: Wrong on Climate Change

American Security Project cited Cal Thomas: Wrong on Climate Change

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The American Security Project was recently cited in a RealClearPolicy Article titled “Cal Thomas: Wrong on Climate Change,” which takes a look at the evidence of climate change and the implications for our national security strategy:
Thomas’s September 19 column makes a stab at a climate-change-debunking “a-ha!” moment, quoting a recent press report about Arctic ice in an attempt to demonstrate that the scientific consensus behind anthropogenic (“man-made”) climate change is “losing evidentiary support.” His argument falls short in a couple of serious respects, and his overall attitude glosses over the critical need for American society (and, yes, our government) to prepare for the effects of climate change.
It cites the ASP’s “The Global Security Defense Index on Climate Change: Preliminary Results,

According to research from the American Security Project, a bipartisan organization dedicated to analyzing future threats, foreign defense organizations are also incorporating a climate lens into their security deliberations. Their Global Security Defense Index on Climate Change looked at the planning documents for 155 militaries around the world and found that 70 percent of them considered climate change to be a national-security threat.

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