It’s easy to become distracted by the sensationalism associated with the fiscal cliff, Benghazi, cabinet nominations, and gun control. While ASP agrees that all of these are important issues, it is still wise to refocus our energy on long term solutions to perennial problems that effect our national security – like American competitiveness. August Cole, an adjunct fellow for ASP, has penned an exellent piece on how America is slipping and where we need to go.
Perhaps related to the sequestration issue is nuclear security. We continue to spend billions – yes billlions – on weapons centered on an outdated nuclear strategy. LtGen Dirk Jameson USAF (Ret), who REALLY knows the nuclear business from a hands on perspective, offers some innovative thoughst on how we can save a bundle yet make ourselves more secure.
And by now we are all too familitar with Benghazi and what occured there. But ASP Fellow Matthew Wallin shows us that if we would just invest more into our diplomatic corps, we would reap tremendous benefits.
This is just a taste of what ASP has been up to this last quarter. We are truly non-parisan and have NO agenda other then making our nation more secure. But the issues we take on we will pursue with a passion, hoping to educate everyone on what are critical topics that our government needs to support. Given the divisive arguments of this past quarter, we hope to breathe some hope that bi-partisan consensus can be reached to make us more secure.
BGen Stephen A. Cheney USMC (Ret.)
American Security Quarterly – Jan 2013