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ASP Announces the Appointment of a New President, Lieutenant General Norman Seip, USAF (Ret.)

ASP Announces the Appointment of a New President, Lieutenant General Norman Seip, USAF (Ret.)

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American Security Project Announces the Appointment of a New President, Lieutenant General Norman Seip, USAF (Ret.)

Washington, D.C., February 1, 2022 – The American Security Project (ASP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Lieutenant General Norman Seip, USAF (Ret.), as President.

Lieutenant General Seip retired from the United States Air Force in 2009 after a distinguished 35-year career. During his time in the Air Force, Seip was a command pilot with more than 4,500 flying hours, primarily in fighter aircraft and flew in support of numerous military operations and contingencies around the world. Seip also managed both Air Force assets and personnel in numerous commands. In his retirement, Lt Gen Seip has continued his mentorship and thought leadership, serving on a number of non-profit and military advisory boards and he has lectured and written on a range of on defense and national security related matters. Seip has been a member of the American Security Project Board of Directors for nearly a decade.

In announcing this appointment, out-going ASP President Brigadier General Stephen A. Cheney, USMC (Ret.) said:

“Reflecting on the last several years of pandemic-related disruption, I must say that ASP has weathered COVID exceptionally well and has positioned itself as a premier national security institution for 2022 and beyond. Key to this is our superb new team, now complemented by a new President, Lieutenant General Norman R. Seip, USAF (Ret.). As I take a step back from official responsibilities due to a series of health complications, I can think of no one better to succeed me than General Seip. The American Security Project has been my professional home for over a decade, but the presidency of ASP is a stewardship, and I am ready to pass the baton. Norm has been engaged with ASP as a member of the Board of Directors for nearly a decade and brings a wealth of expertise and leadership—under his leadership, I know ASP will continue to grow and thrive. I look forward to staying engaged with ASP as a member of the Board and remain fully supportive of General Seip, our CEO Patrick Costello, our Board Chair Governor Whitman, and the broader ASP team.”

Upon this appointment, ASP Chairperson Governor Christine Todd Whitman said:

“We are delighted to have Norm coming in as President to help guide ASP into a new era. While Steve leaves very big shoes to fill, Norm’s experience as a long-standing member of ASP’s Board, his knowledge and expertise place him in an excellent position to assume command.”

Since 2005, ASP has been at the forefront of national security research and analysis. ASP works to forge a bipartisan consensus on a national security strategy that will restore America’s leadership across the globe.

Resources: Lieutenant General Norman Seip, USAF (Ret.), bio.

The American Security Project (ASP) is a nonpartisan organization created to educate the American public and the world about the changing nature of national security in the 21st Century. ##############