ASP Biofuels Report Referenced in BioFuels Journal Article
BioFuels Journal posted an article on ASP’s latest report entitled “Advanced Biofuels and National Security.” The report highlights the recent work of the Department of Defense in promoting alternative fuels. The military’s long standing dependence on oil is a national security threat, and with progress being made in developing biofuel technology, advanced biofuels can become a crucial part of the military’s fuel supply. The author of the report, Andrew Holland, also discusses the various ways that advanced biofuels can be produced, namely from feedstocks and municipal waste. From the BioFuels Journal article:
Rapid advances in advanced biofuel technology and expanding economies of scale that will come from government and private sector investments; the long-term potential for this industry means that it could become a key part of America’s entire fuel supply, reducing America’s dependence on oil and increasing our national security over the long run.
To read the full BioFuels Journal article, click here.
To read ASP’s report “Advanced Biofuels and National Security,” click here.
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