ASP Commends Congress Support for DoD Action on Climate Change
The American Security Project commends Members of the House of Representatives for voting on the House Floor to strike down Representative Perry’s Amendment (#390) to the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Perry Amendment would have struck language stating that it was the sense of Congress that climate change “is a direct threat to the national security of the United States” and that military installations “must be able to effectively prepare to mitigate climate damage.”
The American Security Project strongly supports addressing climate change as a national security priority. The science around climate change is strong enough to take action. The world is already witnessing the effects of a changing climate. From Syria to Mali to our own borders, sea level rise and increasingly frequent and extreme droughts and floods are undermining our security and increasingly instability.
Militaries around the world are taking the threat of climate change into account in their military planning. The United States Military has been a leader in this area for years. It is vital that the military be allowed to continue its work in this area. Secretary of Defense Mattis has repeatedly affirmed that the military will continues to prepare for the impacts of climate change. By passing this amendment, Congress is supporting the military in allowing it to identify and prepare for all threats to national security.
The American Security Project applauds this support and will continue to work to help bolster the resiliency and preparedness of our servicemen and women.