ASP in the News: Board Member Lt. Gen. Norm Seip, USAF (ret.) in The Invading Sea
On April 6, ASP board member Lt. Gen. Norm Seip, USAF (ret.) wrote an op-ed in The Invading Sea advocating for increased government funding to support adaptation and resilience programs that mitigate the threat that climate change poses to military readiness and national security.
In the op-ed, Lt. Gen. Seip describes the costly impact that climate change has had on military bases and readiness in Florida, a state home to three combatant commands and over 20 bases, and the need for risk management and mitigation to counter the national security risks of climate change.
“Our elected officials and the public should take a lesson from the military. We must start by acknowledging that the risks of climate change are real and growing every day. Then we must take action…We cannot afford to ignore the risks of a changing climate and its impact on our nation’s security.”
Read the full article in The Invading Sea here.