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ASP In the News: LtGen Castellaw in the Tennessean Bob Nichols / USDA - Public Domain

ASP In the News: LtGen Castellaw in the Tennessean

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On August 21st, ASP Consensus Member and former board member, LtGen John Castellaw USMC (Ret.) wrote an op-ed for the The Tennessean on the national security concerns surrounding climate change.

In the op-ed, General Castellaw notes Mattis’ infamous remarks on climate change. The current climate crisis represents one of the greatest imminent threats to the American military. Castellaw also mentions the developments in precision agriculture technology have allowed farmers in Tennessee to increase the efficiency of their farming operations while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions to help fight climate change.

General Castellaw is a former board member of ASP and a current member of our Consensus.

Read the full article from The Tennessean here.