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ASP Joshua Foust interviewed by Voice of America

ASP Joshua Foust interviewed by Voice of America

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Access Point with Ayeesha Tanzeem



In an interview on VOA’s Access Point, Joshua Foust discusses the role of public diplomacy in US-Pakistan relations.

“I think when it comes to the U.S. and Pakistan, it does have to start on the governmental level.  A lot of the reason why the two countries are butting heads so much and why there’s so much…discord between the two people is because of governmental policy.  So there’s a great deal of opposition inside Pakistan to the way the U.S. has conducted itself both in the war in Afghanistan and in the war on terror, but then also within the United States, there’s anger and distrust over the way Pakistan is related both to Islamist groups inside Pakistan and then also their behavior when the U.S. has challenged them on certain things.”


Watch the full interview here.