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ASP Podcast: Afghanistan and the US Response

ASP Podcast: Afghanistan and the US Response

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Matthew Zeller joined ASP to discuss his book: Watches Without Time: An American Soldier in Afghanistan, and also Joshua Foust’s latest report: Five Lessons We Should Have Learned From Afghanistan

The discussion was very lively and touched on such issues as – military training, politics in Afghanistan, counter narcotics, the Taliban, the CIA, and also reforming U.S. national security structures.



Joshua Foust, ASP Fellow specializing in Asymmetric Operations

and Special Guest:

Matthew Zeller, author of Watches Without Time: An American Soldier in Afghanistan

Moderated by:

Paul Hamill, ASP Director of External Relations





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2012: Look Ahead

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Central Asia: What’s Happening and How It Impacts US Foreign Policy

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Afghanistan: Are We Winning

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Afghanistan, Central & South Asia – energy, mining and private sector development

Energy Choices, Climate Change and CAFE Fuel Standards

A Farewell from Dr. Jim Ludes and a Discussion on National Security

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Nuclear Security and the Future of the Marine Corp

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“Are We Winning?” 2010 Report