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AZoOptics – SPIE Leaders Honor NIF for Record-Breaking Laser Shot

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AZoOptics – SPIE Leaders Honor NIF for Record-Breaking Laser Shot

By Andy Choi | 02 April 2012 – 5:25 AM

National Ignition Facility (NIF) has been honored by SPIE leaders for its latest achievement. It demonstrated a milestone utilization of laser pulse equivalent to 1,000 times more energy than previously experienced by the U.S. The recognition was declared last week. The presentation ceremony was hosted on 15 March.

IF will demonstrate the major requisites for achieving the objectives of fusion ignition and burn, in addition to increase energy gain. It will ignite a small, simulated star with laser light delivered from 192 identical beams. NIF will be the first facility to represent this phenomenon in a lab, which is a noteworthy aspect towards constructing a nuclear fusion power station that could provide safe and carbon-free electricity.

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