BCAS Member General Fusion Mentioned in Science News
Business Council for American Security member and Fusion Committee Chair General Fusion’s work on nuclear fusion technology was the subject of a recent article in Science News.
“General Fusion and at least 10 other commercial ventures say they can get [nuclear] fusion to pay off within a decade, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars rather than tens of billions. The upstarts are going with unorthodox approaches, ranging from piston-driven engines to devices that have more in common with particle accelerators than traditional nuclear reactors. And they’re finding deep-pocketed investors who are willing to cover the cost.”
The American Security Project has explored the future of nuclear fusion in multiple reports and events. Breakthroughs in nuclear fusion would be an impressive scientific advancement that could change energy consumption. Perfecting this technology would also allow the Defense Department to move away from a dependence on fossil fuels.
You can read the full article in Science News here.
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