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BGen Cheney Signs Letter in Support of Maintaining the Iran Deal P5+1 Talks With Iran in Geneva, Switzerland

BGen Cheney Signs Letter in Support of Maintaining the Iran Deal

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On Jan 8, ASP CEO BGen Stephen A. Cheney, USMC (Ret) joined 51 other national security leaders in calling for the U.S. to remain a party to the Iran Deal. A statement issued by the National Coalition to Prevent an Iranian Nuclear Weapon makes the case for continued U.S. involvement in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, contending:

The U.S. should also participate actively in the JCPOA Joint Commission to ensure Iranian compliance; to influence necessary responses to any Iranian violations; and to explore with other Joint Commission members ways to prepare supplementary or follow-on agreements that provide long-term security against an Iranian nuclear weapon.

Other ASP affiliated signatories include Senator Gary Hart, and LtGen Arlen Dirk Jameson, USAF (Ret).

Read the full text of the letter below.

NationalCoalition Statement 010518 by The Iran Project on Scribd