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Top Ten Blog Posts of 2013

Last year was a busy year for ASP, exploring the issues of climate security, next generation energy and investment, the links between a strong economy and enhanced national security, chemical weapons, as well as the vital U.S. and Egypt strategic relationship. This reports collects together the top ten blog posts on ASP website in 2013, we hope you find them interesting and useful.Read more...

Need to Know in National Security

ASP is organized around the belief that honest public discussion of national security requires a better-informed citizenry–one that understands the dangers and opportunities of the 21st century, the spectrum of available responses, and the benefits and drawbacks of each course of action. Here you can find a collection of our fact-sheets and other related papers to assist in “what you need to know in national security”.Read more...

A New American Arsenal

A New American Arsenal is a bipartisan effort to transform the way Americans think about and achieve their national security. Gone are the days when our security could be measured by the number of bombers and battleships in our arsenal. Today, our national security requires the coordinated use of all the elements of American power and a new bipartisan consensus at home.

The next American President will face a complex national security agenda beyond the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


What Americans Believe About National Security and Foreign Policy

Successful policies are forged in a public context. This comprehensive American Security Project survey reveals a sophisticated American public that understands the complexities of the myriad national security challenges and threats of the 21st century and the intracacies of national security policy.