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FOX NEWS – Joshua Foust comments on the bombing near the U.S. Embassy in Tblisi, Georgia are highlighted

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Source: Fox News, 7/22/2011

Quotes by ASP Fellow Joshua Foust are featured.

For example, recent allegations that the Russians engineered last year’s bombing outside the U.S. Embassy in Georgia (at the same time the White House was pushing for ratification of a U.S.-Russia arms control treaty) quickly produced a squad of predictable skeptics. Writing for The Atlantic, Joshua Foust (a fellow at the American Security Project) suggested the whole thing may have been a frame-job by the Georgians. “[T]hey have a vested interest in blaming everything on Russia,” he points out.

Here, however, is what Foust doesn’t explain. It looks like the Georgians had been trying to keep the whole story quiet—and work back channels in the U.S. to get the Russians to back off. The story was actually “outed” here in the U.S.

Furthermore, these are bombings, and bombings leave physical evidence.  You can bet your boots U.S. investigators have seen that evidence. Perhaps that what led the U.S. to “quietly” complain to the Russians about the string of bombings around the Georgian capital.  After that complaint, the bombings stopped. Coincidence?

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