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Fusion Makes Great Progress

Fusion Makes Great Progress

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Fusion research is making great strides now, coming closer to the promise of providing clean, cheap and plentiful energy.

Inertial Confinement Fusion

Inertial Confinement Fusion

Scientists and researchers at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) recently passed a crucial milestone: outputting more energy than what was absorbed by the fuel. The recent experiment included all 192 lasers at the NIF being targeted to produce a record yield in output. This was seen as a hurdle to achieving the main goal of fusion research: ignition, when reactions generate as much energy as the laser supplies.  The reason for this is because there are inefficiencies in different parts of the system.

The NIF is one of several large research projects concerning fusion energy. ITER is another one that many developed nations have been working together on. However, it is different than the laboratory at NIF in that it uses magnetic confinement to contain the hot fusion fuel.

Since 2009, NIF officials sought to have something demonstrable by the end of September 2012. But technical problems prevented that goal from being reached. As a result, the focus of the lab shifted to nuclear weapons, an original part of the lab’s mission.

nif laserThe recent breakthrough comes at the onset of large developments in the broader field of fusion research. Edward Moses, the principal associate director for the National Ignition Facility & Photon Science, has taken a new position to explore commercial applications of fusion energy. He is long considered to be a world leader on fusion energy. With the recent breakthrough, it is likely that there is going to be more emphasis on research and commercial applications of fusion energy.

The American Security Project (ASP) believes that there is large potential for breakthrough in fusion research within the next decade that can lead to commercial applications. In its report “Fusion Power – A 10 Year Plan to Energy Security,” the ASP discusses how to emphasize fusion energy research. Furthermore, it discusses the potential that fusion energy can have on American competitiveness and national security as it is able to curb the effects of climate change.


Check out more:

Inertial Confinement Fusion at the National Ignition Facility

WHITE PAPER: Fusion Power – A 10 Year Plan to Energy Security

International Progress on Fusion Energy – How American Leadership is Slipping

Fusion Fact Sheet

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