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Fusion News: BBC News – Nuclear fusion milestone passed at US lab

Fusion News: BBC News – Nuclear fusion milestone passed at US lab

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Scientists and researchers at the National Ignition Facility passed a crucial milestone in the development of fusion power, as reported by the BBC in their article “Nuclear Fusion Milestone Passed at US Lab.” For the first time, there was more energy output than was absorbed by the fuel.

The BBC understands that during an experiment in late September, the amount of energy released through the fusion reaction exceeded the amount of energy being absorbed by the fuel – the first time this had been achieved at any fusion facility in the world.

This is a step short of the lab’s stated goal of “ignition”, where nuclear fusion generates as much energy as the lasers supply. This is because known “inefficiencies” in different parts of the system mean not all the energy supplied through the laser is delivered to the fuel.

But the latest achievement has been described as the single most meaningful step for fusion in recent years, and demonstrates NIF is well on its way towards the coveted target of ignition and self-sustaining fusion.

Check out more:

Inertial Confinement Fusion at the National Ignition Facility

WHITE PAPER: Fusion Power – A 10 Year Plan to Energy Security

International Progress on Fusion Energy – How American Leadership is Slipping

Fusion Fact Sheet