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Fusion News: CBS News – Apparent breakthrough in nuclear fusion silenced by shutdown

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A recent experiment produced more fusion energy than was absorbed by the fuel. As CBS discusses in their article “Apparent breakthrough in nuclear fusion silenced by shutdown,” the government shutdown has eclipsed the news of important breakthroughs in fusion research and, more importantly, has furloughed the team responsible for the breakthrough.


Scientists have come one step closer to harnessing the power of the sun. Researchers at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) have passed a milestone in achieving self-sustaining nuclear fusion — but you won’t hear about it from the researchers. The NIF team has been furloughed as a result of the U.S. government shutdown, which began on Oct. 1, and is not releasing updates to the press.

According to the BBC, a research experiment conducted in late September succeeded in releasing more energy through a fusion reaction than it absorbed by the fuel going in. NIF is the first research facility in the world to achieve this goal. A spokesperson for the NIF could not give CBSNews.com a comment on the results of the experiment.