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Fusion News: Daily Finance- Is Nuclear Fusion the Answer to Future Energy Needs?

Fusion News: Daily Finance- Is Nuclear Fusion the Answer to Future Energy Needs?

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The recent successful fusion process at the NIF
, where there was more creation of energy than the energy inputed, is an amazing breakthrough that is providing optimism for the future of fusion.  This is great news for those who are in the forefront of fusion research like General Fusion but bad news for current energy companies who are worried about alternate energy source being another competitor in the market.  As reported by the Daily Finance in the article, “Is Nuclear Fusion the Answer to Future Energy Needs?” (Karl Avard, Daily Finance)
While the technology is not all there yet to make this controlled process financially viable for companies to invest in, this successful experiment is another step in proving that this technology is very real and no longer limited to the realms of science fiction. As of now, the research is almost completely limited to labs and university campuses. This does not produce any real front-runner companies to invest in as the eventual solution is still too far off.
Click here to read more about the NIF successful experiment.