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Fusion News: Huffington Post- Fusion, Fission, and Fossil Fuels

Fusion News: Huffington Post- Fusion, Fission, and Fossil Fuels

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Victor Stenger shares his thoughts on the prospects of controlled fusion.  Even though he does not have the most optimistic view of controlled fusion he still believes that nuclear energy is the best, long-term solution.  Read the full blog post in the Huffington Post in the article “Fusion, Fission, and Fossil Fuels:”

But even if controlled fusion is still a long way from reaching fruition, nuclear energy remains the best and perhaps the only long-term, large-scale solution to the world’s energy needs. In my HuffPuff of January 9, 2012 I described what many people think is the ideal nuclear power reactor. This is the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR). It is cheaper, cleaner, and far safer than uranium reactors. There would have been no accidents at Three-Mile Island, Chernobyl, or Fukushima had those reactors been LFTRs.