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Fusion News: The Financial Times- ITER nuclear fusion reactor enters key phase

Fusion News: The Financial Times- ITER nuclear fusion reactor enters key phase

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The ITER nuclear fusion reactor in the south of France, the world’s biggest energy research project, has taken a dramatic step in pouring 15,000 cubic meters of concrete into a pit that will house a huge machine, that will hopefully tame the fusion reactions.  The organization expects to start fusion fuel experiments in 2020.  As reported by the Financial Times in the article “ITER nuclear fusion reactor enters key phase:”

David Campbell, the project’s head of plasma operation, says: “Although there are a lot of uncertainties in fusion plasma physics and it will take some time to optimise conditions in the reactor, the work already done [in smaller experiments and computer modelling] makes me confident there are no show-stoppers to prevent us producing a few hundred megawatts of fusion power.”

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1 Comment

  1. Only curious about it. I did work for Atucah II NPP in the 80s and knew about an experimental USA Nuclear Fusion NPP which I believe it was a 25 years project to achieve the Pilot level…

    No I am surprised to see that also the french are attempting such a huge project…

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