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Fusion News: US News- We Were Promised Hoverboards in 2015

Fusion News: US News- We Were Promised Hoverboards in 2015

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“Back to the Future” gave us hovering cars and skateboards in 2015.  Even though, we will not have flying cars by 2015, we currently have the resources to make hoverboard realistic but our biggest challenge is our energy source.  Even though, fusion is becoming closer to reality it will still be a long way before we can efficiently control it.  As reported by US News & World Report in the article “We Were Promised Hoverboards in 2015:”

Fusion power for commercial use is getting closer to a reality, but it will be too late to create fusion energy in time for 2015, says François Waelbroeck, the director of the Institute for Fusion Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Scientists from different nations are working on an International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor in France, with the goal of creating an efficient fusion reaction using magnets. Waelbroeck predicts that the ITER could generate 5 to 10 times more energy than is put into it by 2030- if funding remains sufficient.

“My point of view, and it is not a majority point of view, is that the amount of money we are spending on fusion right now is tiny compared to the importance of the energy problem,” Waelbroeck says.