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Gulf Coast Disaster Proves it’s Time to End Energy Crisis.

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As America witnesses the largest oil spill in U.S. history take over the Gulf coast, we must get serious about making changes that will limit our impact on the Earth. In recent USA TodayGallup Poll 55 percent said environmental protection should be prioritized, even if it meant limiting U.S. energy production. Taking the steps to reach our energy goals does not have to be difficult. According to ASP’s new report, “Ending Our Oil Dependence,” making a few small lifestyle changes can do the trick. For example, we can promote electric vehicles, invest in light rail, create pedestrian and bike friendly communities, and explore alternatives such as natural gas to reduce our dependence on foreign oil as well as lessen our footprint on the Earth. In an article by McClatchy Newspapers, other organizations such as the Union of Concerned Scientists and the National Resources Defense Council Action Fund echo these concerns and say that the disaster in the Gulf may be the turning point in our efforts to go more green.